plane on approach

We help squeezed Middle Managers be more effective & less stressed!

The most common derailers are within four areas, Self-Awareness, Empathy, Analytical and Strategic Skills. Do you recognise any of them?

  • Management Effectiveness Derailers KUBA Pilot

Our Business Results Coaching focuses on improving the weakest area that derails management effectiveness by developing effective thinking habits using the KUBA Pilot Strategy.

We offter a complementary Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool for our subscribers to KUBA Pilot News.

KUBA Pilot Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool

The best way to learn more about KUBA Pilot and our services is to speak with Sandy Seeber-Quayle.

Hello there, I am Sandy. Good to meet you!

Discover a way to develop your Managers so that they can maintain high productivity and drive lasting business results, without burning out.

Just like jet pilots who stay calm, cruising at high altitudes.

plane on approach mit KUBA Pilot Logo

KUBA Pilot offers practical Business Results Coaching that equips Middle Managers with an effective thinking strategy that drives productivity. We do this by utilising a pragmatic, easy-to-use strategy that helps manage complexity, foster psychological safety, increase collaboration, enhance critical and strategic thinking, and improve decision-making.

This strategy helps your Managers navigate factors beyond their control, so they can deliver consistently effective business results.

Over time, the KUBA Pilot Strategy helps develop effective thinking habits, enabling managers to remain calm in stressful situations, overcome cognitive biases, and enhance their relationships with others – all essential for achieving effective results.

high rise office building

KUBA Pilot Program for Organisations

This program is for you if you are a buyer of training programs for your organisation.

Target participants: New and current Managers and key talent developing into management roles.

Needs: Bespoke support for individual Managers to enhance specific skills required to be more effective in their jobs and with their teams.

Objectives: Develop managers while doing their job based on experiential learning methods supported by an experienced manager turned trainer.

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with Sandy to find out more or enquire using the contact form below.

man and woman high five each other, middle managers being successful

KUBA Pilot Program for Individuals

This program is for you if you are a Manager or aspiring to become a manager looking to improve your effectiveness in your job, enhance working relationships or how you are dealing with pressure.

Needs: Bespoke personal coaching to enhance specific skills required to be more effective and less stressed.

Objectives: Develop skills required to be better at your job based on experiential learning methods supported by an experienced manager turned trainer.

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with Sandy to find out more or enquire using the contact form below.

Inside an airplane with passengers in their seats looking at screens 
The image has writing: Get inspired by KUBA Pilot News

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash